International Lawns | field trips

from £5.00

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A digital file will be sent to your email address you have provided within 24 hours of donation and email registration.

The stretch of coastland between Margate harbour and Foreness Point has been walked incalculable times over the last few centuries with intentions as variable as it’s rich history.

International Lawns walks or as they call them ‘field trips’ are always based on an idea related to the demise of a logo or brand name that they feel has been unfairly treated by conditions beyond it’s control.

These two new field trips created for CHALK WALK by the design group are based on the disused Arnold Palmer crazy golf course next to the viking playground in Cliftonville, with both it’s North and South courses now being reclaimed by nature.

Physical copies translated into Czech, Polish and Romanian coming soon to Cliftonville.

INTERNATIONAL LAWNS (IL) is a design group led by artists Niall Monro (NM) and Andrew Curtis (AC), founded in 2013

(NM) and (AC) have been working together creatively since 2008 and decided the time was right to formalise a partnership. Both come from backgrounds involved in the production of printed matter, both for commercial and fine art purposes. Monro’s experience began in the pre and early digital period of the 1980's whereas Curtis' is of the last 15 years or so. Although they share views on approaching work, pushing an idea beyond their preconceptions is only possible through the resolution of a healthy battle.

Driven by a fascination and respect for the history of brand management and corporate identity, the design group INTERNATIONAL LAWNS undertake projects both by commission and personal motivation. Although as a design group that specialises in the working and reintegration of decommisissioned logotypes, the research leads into areas of display and façade that inform the work produced.

Both Monro and Curtis live in the suburbs, Niall in West London and Andrew in Cliftonville, Margate. They see them as the neutral space between nature in the countryside and the man–made city centre, a place where the subtle aesthetics of lawn care or garage door painting can flourish.